
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Improv Meeting Recap

I apologize for not getting this up sooner, but I just wanted to recap the last BMQG meeting for everyone. The lesson was improv piecing, and might I say we have some pretty spectacular talent among the group. For instance our very own "mini Denyse Schmidt"  Katie; who found improv to just come natural for her at only 9 years old.  I was truly impressed.

The randomness gave everyone a little more clarity on what improv is, and how we attempt to get such randomness in our quilts. We even went as far as experimenting with color combo's that we would usually not think of. I am very excited to see what improv techniques you all will be sharing at the next meeting.

Other discussions that were talked about.

Binding Volunteers:: We still need people who are willing to demonstrate different ways to make, sew, and finish onto a quilt. Needing about three people for this still.

Strawberry Patches is moving:: Yes our regular meetings will still be held there the third Saturday of every months in the new location, just right across the parking lot. The shop opens this Thursday 4/7/2011

Logo/ Name tag challenge:: Looking for people to create ideas on both and have the group vote on what they would like to use for our new logo as well as our name tags. The logo hopefully will be Incorporated onto the name tags.

Idea Sharing:: We are looking for more ideas on what it is you would like us to do within our BMQG group. i.e. Charities, lessons, guest speaker ect.

Contact list:: We are still working the bugs outta this. We are also wanting to plan a generic contact list via email and phone numbers within the group for everyone to use in need of quilty support.

The Officers:: We discussed this a bit and it is in fact needed to move forward if you have any opinions or questions/concerns about this please email me directly. The meeting in May has been cancelled due to a holiday weekend but we will talk about this more at our next meeting in detail. This will be a very good thing for the group to designate things to do and make sure it's divided equally and not put onto one person.

Some wonderful quilts were also shown this round, thank you ladies for all the eye candy.

Looking forward to seeing everyone this Saturday at our next Sew-In over at the Quilt N Sew quilt shop located on Allen road. Everything is provided for us to use just bring your basic  project stuff and we will do the rest. Here is a list of what you might need.

Quilt project/ or other project
Sewing machine (don;t forget the cord)
Rotary cutter
Snacks if you wish
Please visit this link here for address MEETINGS

Have a great week everyone, we will see you Saturday


  1. Great pics Terri! You always do such a great job. Thanks!

    I plan on helping Jen with the Courage House quilts on Sat. Jen, do you have any special supplies we should bring? Suggestions for thread color...white, ecru, dark? More fabric, batting (size), ect?

    For those who missed last meeting, Jen has asked for volunteers to work on the quilts she mentioned previously on the blog & in February's meeting. Those who choose to can help out during Saturday's sew-in.

  2. Thank you Nicci I had not wrote that down, thanks for the reminder.
