
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Meet Christy!

Welcome to our first ever BMQG Member Feature! Every month we will have a special blog post featuring one of our amazingly talented members. Each member has been given a series of questions to answer so that we can all get to know each other better.

And now, without further ado, we are pleased to now turn our attention to our own, Christy Hall!

Christy was born April 10, 1966 and has been married to her husband, Richard, for 10 years. She has an 8-year old son, Nathan, two cats (named George and Moose), and one naughty puppy named Harry. Let's give it up for Christy!

BMQG: How many years have you been quilting?
Christy: Off and on for about 15 years.

BMQG: What inspired you to start?
Christy: Many years ago, someone gave me a copy of Make a Quilt in a Day by Eleanor Burns. I knew how to sew and the steps seemed simple enough for me to follow. I made queen-sized quilts for my Aunt and Grandmother. I've learned a lot since then.

BMQG: What is your favorite part of quilting?
Christy: I love picking out fabric. If I could just skip from picking out fabric to having a quilt complete, I'd be very happy. :)

BMQG: What is your least favorite part?
Christy: Basting. It gets harder and harder to crawl around on my knees pinning quilt layers!

BMQG: Do you have a specialty?
Christy: I'm good at anything WONKY.

BMQG: Do you enjoy any non-quilty sewing?
Christy: I like to make tote bags and crayon rolls for gift giving. I also like to make shorts, pajamas, and fleece hoodies/jackets for my son.

BMQG: Have you been featured, received recognition, or won any awards?
Christy: I volunteer for Optimal Hospice's Seamstress program. Last year they asked me to make a Memory Quilt for a woman who had recently lost both of her parents. She loved the quilt and I was featured in Optimal's monthly newsletter.

BMQG: How did you find out about the Modern Quilt Guild?
Christy: I can't remember exactly. I read quite a few craft blogs and I think I saw it mentioned on one of them (and I cannot tell you how happy I am to have found it!).

BMQG: What about modern quilting are you most drawn to?
Christy: I really like that so much of it is up to your own interpretation. I love using fresh vibrant colors. I'm learning to see inspiration everywhere. I think modern quilting is helping me to look at things differently, to see quilt possibilities in different places, such as architecture and nature.

BMQG: Is there anything else we should know about you?
Christy: I'm a perfectionist and tend to be very critical of my own work. Also, I really want to do free-motion quilting, but it scares me!

Thank you so much for sharing with us, Christy! Oh, and for anyone who doesn't know, Christy makes the BEST coconut macaroons...yum! Stop by and visit Christy on her blog Mama Said Sew.


  1. Great profile, Christy. I know you just a little more! Jen, super job... Can't wait to see more!

  2. Oh my gosh, Jen! You didn't tell me I was going to be first! :)
    Looking forward to future member features.

  3. Thanks, Nicci :) Haha, Christy! Surprise! It's all random, so you never know who will be next...yup, I'm sneaky like that ;)

  4. Great feature! I enjoyed reading it!
