
Monday, March 5, 2012

Question of the Week

What quilt block, pattern or technique would you like to try, but haven't had the courage to do yet? And why does that block/pattern/technique scare you?


  1. I would say, Cathedral windows blocks which have been popping up all over modern bloggers sites. Although very "fussy", the challenge to make all the points come together perfectly scares me! All that tricky folding..ugh! But once it's done, the blocks are stunning. Sigh - someday! And the other one that scares something completely original - I have a hard time dreaming up something unique!

    1. Cathedral Windows? Really Pam? What scares me to. death. are your Sugar Kisses blocks with all those teensy tiny pieces and points. Talk about fussy!! I have never seen a more stunning quilt come together or had more customers marvel at such superb work. I doubt there is anything that you couldn't do beautifully Pam.

    2. Don't you know the secret to making all those points come together? Buttons! Look at how many of those pillows have buttons at those points! :-)

    3. Thanks Suzanne! I so appreciate your kind words! And those Cathedral window blocks are suppose to be made without buttons but I have to agree, buttons can go a long way to creatively "enhance" little imperfections. Thanks for reminding me!!

  2. Along the same lines as Pam, I avoid any block where multiple points come together. I had an ugly experience with such a block early in my quilting "career." I haven't quite gotten over that yet. ;-)

    1. I know!! But after making the Kaleidoscope quilt, I think I have that one figured out! I'll be doing a little demo at the next BMQG meeting. 8 fabrics all coming together at the center! You can definitely do it!!

  3. My greatest fear is curves...any block or pattern with curved piecing. I second Pams's Catherdral windows, too. I think they are incredible looking, but don't even know where to begin. I'll also say that applique frightens me...Looks amazing, but scares me.

  4. I've also avoided patterns with curved piecing, and I wish I could get the hang of it! I did recently try a new technique that worked well for piecing circles. I guess the bottom line is that it takes a lot of practice and a lot of patience, neither of which I'm good at! lol
